The Southern African People’s Solidarity Network (SAPSN) reiterates the people’s demand and expectation for SADC to provide just and principled leadership to resolve the worsening governance crisis in Zimbabwe following the flawed and disputed Harmonised Elections of23 August 2023.
SAPSN commends SADC leaders for heeding the voice of the people issued on the eve of the Zimbabwe election. This collective message as outlined in the 2023 SADC Peoples Summit Declaration:

-Urged SADC leaders to acknowledge the reality of a flawed electoral environment in Zimbabwe presided over by a partisan election management body and characterized by unequal access to the media, gerrymandering, draconian laws, a captured judiciary and continued repression of dissenting voices and political opponents.
-Warned of the imminent possibility of a disputed election with no guarantee of a
peaceful transfer of power.
-Further urged the leaders of SADC member states to recognize the centrality of disputed elections in the crisis of governance in Zimbabwe.
-And demanded meaningful actions to bind the Government of Zimbabwe to strictly adhere to the Principles and guidelines governing Democratic Elections to ensure a peaceful, credible, free and fair election.

Following the elections on 23 August 2023, SAPSN commends the SADC Election Observer Mission’s (SEOM) preliminary report for rightly alerting the region to the deeply flawed, illegal and unjust official outcome of the Zimbabwean election. Furthermore, SAPSN hails SADC leaders and Secretariat for firmly standing behind the findings and recommendations of the SEOM despite pronounced attacks and vilification.

As the SADC intervention moves towards the diplomatic mission of the Panel of Elders led by HE Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete between 28 August and 1 September 2023,

1. Calls upon SADC to resolutely stand by the findings and recommendations of the SEOM,
2. Urges SADC to facilitate an open and inclusive national dialogue process to enable the people of Zimbabwe to pursue a just, peaceful and permanent resolution to the problem of disputed elections on their own terms.
3. Compels SADC leaders to remain mindful that the ongoing electoral dispute is occurring in a context of growing repression, a partisan judiciary, ingrained fear and harsh living conditions for the majority of Zimbabweans.
4. Urge SADC leaders to heed the call for fresh SADC facilitated and monitored elections as a means to break the cycle of perennially disputed elections in Zimbabwe.

SAPSN urges the people of the SADC region to stand in solidarity with the people ofZimbabwe in their moment of need. Welcome solidarity actions can include sustainedpressure on SADC leaders not to endorse the flawed presidential election results announcedby the Zimbabwe Election Management Commission. And amplifying the demand for a just and peaceful democratic transition in Zimbabwe.

30 August 2023
The following people can be contacted for further information:
Janet Zhou (Secretary General, SAPSN)
Blessing Ivan Vava (Executive Director, Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition)