The Zimbabwe Heads of Christian Denominations (ZHOCD) recently conducted a PWD dialogue meeting in the Mutare.

The dialogue, held on 26 March, aimed to provide a platform for PWDs to identify and discuss what they aspire to be included in the recently gazetted Disability Bill.

Additionally, the dialogue sought to provide a platform for PWDs, organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs), government departments, and civil society organizations (CSOs) to influence the Bill in a way that will benefit PWDs in all facets of life including the devolution processes.

The harvested outputs will be consolidated into a PWD position paper that will be presented to national organizations of PWDs, senators of PWDs, and development partners who, support work on disability to influence the designing of the Disability Bill.

The PWD dialogue unpacked the contents of the Disability Bill, covered the processes that the Bill will take until it has been made a law, and the importance of participating in the Disability Bill consultative meetings.

This activity was also be a build-up on PWD dialogues that have been done by the ZHOCD within the devolution project.

The dialogue will also assist the ZHOCD and its stakeholders in deliberating on processes to take to accompany the designing of the Disability Bill.

It targeted PWDs, organizations of persons with disabilities (OPDs), government departments and civil society organizations (CSOs), and the religious community.