The BIG Conversation

A digital media platform that seeks to amplify transparency and accountability issues. We believe in the power of citizen action in impacting change and the strength of the creative artistry experience through animations, blogs, essays, podcasts and photography in conveying simple yet powerful messages on transparency and accountability.

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Cartoon of the week

Antivaxxers and stupid gene

Zim Press

Buhari releases twitter TBC

Our Story


What we do!

We convene impactful conversations on transparency and accountability leveraging on emerging voices and refreshing perspectives from within Zimbabwe and beyond. Our work revolves around grassroots mobilizing, advocacy and supporting community action for transparency, accountability and integrity. We think global and act local. We realize that fostering a functional media system in Zimbabwe and across Africa demands that we think global in terms of innovation and vision whilst looking at how best local solutions can solve local problems.

Why should you care?

Access to information is a constitutionally guaranteed right. According to Section 62 of the Zimbabwean Constitution, every Zimbabwean citizen or permanent citizen, including juristic persons and the Zimbabwean media, has the right of access to any information held by the state or by any institution or agency of government at every level, in so far as the information is required in the interest of public accountability.

Our stakeholders

Marginalised groups

PWDs, youth and women


spoken word poets, musicians, animators, writers, animators, calligraphers


journalists, photojournalists, citizen journalists.


tertiary institutions, tertiary students and academics.

Youth Hubs


Local authorities


Our stories

EU EOM Final Report on the 2023 Harmonised Elections.

The EU EOM Final Report on Zimbabwe's 2023 Harmonised Elections says the polls  were marked by a curtailment of rights and freedoms and the lack of a level playing field, which limited voters’ ability to make their choices in a genuinely free and pluralistic...



This Monetary Policy Statement, which is issued in terms of Section 46 of the Reserve Bank Act [Chapter 22:15] comes at a time when the economy is experiencing growth in an inflationary economic environment. The exchange rate and inflation volatilities experienced in...

Conversations on the Disability Bill.

Conversations on the Disability Bill.

The Zimbabwe Heads of Christian Denominations (ZHOCD) recently conducted a PWD dialogue meeting in the Mutare. The dialogue, held on 26 March, aimed to provide a platform for PWDs to identify and discuss what they aspire to be included in the recently gazetted...

Leave us a message

We love to read your messages. Get in touch about anything and we will respond as soon as we can.

Share your ideas, perspectives, research and any creative work related to freedom of expression, the media and access to information, transparency and accountability.