Our Stories

EU EOM Final Report on the 2023 Harmonised Elections.

The EU EOM Final Report on Zimbabwe's 2023 Harmonised Elections says the polls  were marked by a curtailment of rights and freedoms and the lack of a level playing field, which limited voters’ ability to make their choices in a genuinely free and pluralistic...



This Monetary Policy Statement, which is issued in terms of Section 46 of the Reserve Bank Act [Chapter 22:15] comes at a time when the economy is experiencing growth in an inflationary economic environment. The exchange rate and inflation volatilities experienced in...

Conversations on the Disability Bill.

Conversations on the Disability Bill.

The Zimbabwe Heads of Christian Denominations (ZHOCD) recently conducted a PWD dialogue meeting in the Mutare. The dialogue, held on 26 March, aimed to provide a platform for PWDs to identify and discuss what they aspire to be included in the recently gazetted...

Mutare women empowered to unleash their entrepreneurial potential

Mutare women empowered to unleash their entrepreneurial potential

Women participating in AWE have access to DreamBuilder, an online course on women’s entrepreneurship. Participants will engage in facilitated sessions on how to manage their business, attend guest presentations by seasoned creative entrepreneurs and practitioners in Zimbabwe and the USA, network with like-minded creative entrepreneurs and have the opportunity to competitively access grant opportunities.

Zimbabwe: Statement by High Representative Josep Borrell on the elections

Zimbabwe: Statement by High Representative Josep Borrell on the elections

The EU takes note of the announcement of the 23 August 2023 Harmonised Elections’ results by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC). On Election Day, Zimbabweans turned out in great numbers, and showed their determination to exercise their voting rights. They need to be granted full transparency and integrity in the electoral process.

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